Welcome to Sustainable Ewe
Please Note: We are still working on the Website – With over 250 pages and topics this all takes time! So if you find a page that is deceptively blank, or has ‘a brain dump’ of information with no particular format check back again. Wondering what these topics are? Check out our Sitemap for a full list of pages.
Tested and Approved! All recipes and methods contained on the site have been tested by us. (Yes, sometimes my kitchen is more chemistry lab). We will only post something once we have ascertained it works! If you would like to share a recipe or idea with us, please do! We’d love to hear from you!
We hope you find the information in these pages useful! This website has been designed for Central Hawke’s Bay residents. Some information (such as where to recycle, gardening calendars etc) contained here is specific to our area, please bear that in mind if you are visiting from out of town 😜

If you would like to chat with like-minded people in the CHB, swap seeds, plants, ideas etc please join our Sustainable Ewe Facebook group The Sustainable (Facebook) Ewe.
(Whilst the information on the website is available to everyone the Facebook group is for Central Hawke’s Bay residents only. If you are outside of the Central Hawke’s Bay please don’t ask up to join, we’ll have to say no, and then we will feel bad. 🙁 )