
Milk Kefir


Kefir Grains (these are actually bacteria and yeast mix in little gelatinous balls) – You can buy these commercially (from the likes of Mad Millies) for example.  or if you ask on The Sustainable Ewe Facebook someone may have some spare)

Milk – whole, organic, or raw milk best

(optional) lemon


In a sterile Agee style preserving jar place ½ teaspoon of Kefir Grains and 600 mls of milk.

Cover.  a)  With a sealed lid (so no oxygen is available is to your ferment) – this will reduce the yeast flavour and the fizz.

or    b)  With a cloth top such as muslin or a Chux Cloth for a stronger flavour

Leave in a cool(ish) place, just as the pantry for 18-24 hours to ferment

Test with a soon to see if it has set,  it should smell slightly yoghurty or cheesey when done.

Once done, strain (add a drop of lemon for extra flavour) and refrigerate.  (Your finished Kefir should last 7 – 10 days in the fridge)


If you are not going to make another batch straight away store your kefir grains in a cool place covered with around 100 mls of milk.


Sometimes a dry powdery film will appear on the top:  DO NOT PANIC – This is just Kahm Yeast and is perfectly harmless!

***  Don’t want to use milk?  Try it with Coconut Milk or Soy!  ***

Water Kefir

This is not the same as Milk Kefir, and closer to Kombucha – but much easier to make!


1 litre water (un-chlorinated – boiling and cooling is a great way to ensure this)

¼ cup Water Kefir Grains

¼ cup Sugar (Raw sugar works well but any sugar will do)


In a sterile Agee style jar place water and sugar.  Stir with a wooden spoon until sugar dissolved.

Add Water Kefir Grains

Optional – Add a slice of lemon (this will inhibit the growth of Kahm yeast)

Optional – Add a prune, date or a couple of raisins to boost the fermentation process

1st Ferment:  Cover with muslin or a Chux Cloth and leave to ferment for 24 to 48 hours.  (This may take longer in cooler weather)

NOTE:  If your grains need a boost (eg they are fresh from the fridge you can add a couple of pinches of Baking Soda in this 1st ferment.

2nd Ferment:  Strain the liquid into a new jar removing your Water Kefir Grains ready for another batch, or store (see below).  Add some fruit, herbs, or ginger to your second ferment and cover with a  lid.  I recommend the use of a burpee or airlock lid for this stage.  If using a standard lid you will need to ‘burp’ your jar by unscrewing the lid as the pressure of the gases building up will end badly!  However do not burp too often or your Kefir will loose it’s fizz.  Allow at least 24 hours for this ferment.  Then refrigerate.


If you are just storing your Water Kefir Grains before making another batch place them in the fridge in 2 cups of water and feed your grains 1 tablespoon of sugar a week

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