Edible Weeds


Cicorium intybus

Identified by its blue flowers.  Drought resistant and nutritious.  Fresh leaves can be used all year round.  Add to salad or steam lightly.


Stellaria media

Nutty flavoured.  Goes well with scrambled eggs.  Use instead of parsley,  High in potash and copper.  Great as a green-crop in winter.  Add to salads and stirfrys.


Taraxacum officinale

High in minerals and vitamin A.  Add to salads or lightly steam.  Use petals as a garnish in salads.


Chenopodium album

Also know as lambs quarters.  Use in salads and stirfry.  Steam and searve with butter.  Add to spinach and silverbeet dishes.  Highly nutricious


Foeniculum vulgarae

Tangy anise flavour that suits most fish and poultry dishes.  Add to yoghurt or sour cream (about 2 chopped teaspoons) and use as a vegetable dressing.

New Zealand Spinach

Tetragonia tetragonioides

mild tasting.  Serve Steamed


Plantago major:  tastier broadleaf variety

Plantago lanceolata:  narrow leaf variety

Both can be steamed or added raw to salads.


Sonchus oleraceus

Also known as Rauriki or Native sow thistle.

Leaves of young plants can be used in salads, or steamed.  And of course, in a boil up!


Portulaca oleracea

Succulent leaf with a sharp taste.  Best grown in a fertile soil.  Tips can be cut and used in pickles.


Achilles millefolium

Sweet tasting.  Cut into salads or make a herbal tea.


Edible Weeds

Nettles – Tea made from fresh leaves is high in iron.  Said to help with joint pain, hair loss, brittle nails.  Add to Rosemary for a hair rinse.  (Rosemary, Nettle, Southernwood infused in APple Cider Vinegar for a few weeks).

if stung by nettle – dock applied to skin will ease pain.

Puha – High in vitamins and minerals.  Also known as Sow Thistle.  Rich in vitamin C, copper, potassium

Ribwort – Plaintain used as a plaster to draw out a boil or splinter.  Remove after a couple of hours.  Used in tea – antibacterial properties.  Helpful expectorant because of mucilage content.

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