

Made from plant and animal waste:  seaweek, fish food, sheep pellets, chicken manure, blood and bone*

Tend to be low in NPK but lots of organic matter that is a good soil conditioner.

Need to be broken down to work.



Syntetics:  Urea, nitrate of soda, sulphare of ammonia, sulphate of potash

Mined:  Nitrogen. Potassium.

Do not last long in soil, can easily be washed away.

Lime and superphosphate can take a long time to work but effects last a long time.


Controlled release

Generally high levels of NPK



Slow release

Generally high levels of NPK




watering into soil.

Rapid boost of nutrients

Not long lasting

More of a treat than a long term food as constant application can be time consuming

Seaweed Tea – full of nutients.  particularly potassium.  Best used as a foliar feed.

Comfrey Leaf Tea. – Rich in absolutely everything.  Simply soak wilted comfrey leaves in water.




conserve soil moisture and contol temperature

Comfrey leaves make a fantastic mulch

Element Symbol What it does/How the plant uses it
Nitrogen N Used in photosynthesis and production of plant proteins and enzymes
Phosphorus P Used to stor energy and as part of the cell membrane
Potassium K Used in metabolism, sugar production and transportation.  Essential for water uptake
Sulphur S Used in Protein production, cell function and growth
Calcium Ca Aids in the uptake of other minerals from the soil and strengthens cell walls.
Magnesium Mg At the center of photosynthesis and used in plant respiration
Boron B Used for root growth and general plant health.  AIds in the uptake of Calcium and Nitrogen
Manganese Mn Used in photosynthesis and enzyme activation
Iron Fe Used in chlorophyll production and plant respiration.  Carries oxygen
Zinc Zn Plant growth stimulator and enzyme activator
Copper Cu Aids in production of plant enzymes, chlorophyll and sugars
Cobalt Co
Silica Si Stem strength


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