- Preparation time for winter.
- Bare ground should be planted in a green crop such as mustard or oats, or it can be covered with a mulch of compost or pea-straw.
- Broad beans can still be sown, and also make a great green crop.
- Prepare your garlic area for planting anytime from now till July.
- Some peas could still be planted such as the snow pea varieties.
- Pumpkins, squash, kumara, yams, and potatoes will be harvested and stored in a dry, shady place.
- Most areas would have had frosts in May so last of the frost tender crops will be out and frozen, dehydrated, or bottled for winter.
- Brassicas, silverbeet, leeks, carrots, parsnips, kale, lettuces, and rocket should keep going through the winter if you have planted enough.
- Plant evergreen fruit and nut trees
- Remove fallen fruit from ground to prevent disease
- Check for woolly aphid on stems of apple trees (paint with methylated spirits)
- Apply lime around stone fruit and apple trees
- Apply lime on celery, onions, lettuce, peas, rhubarb, asparagus, broad beans, globe artichokes and brassicas. Avoid potatoes and strawberries
- Earth up leeks and celery to blanch and sweeten
- Sow a green crop
- Add support to Broad Beans
- Keep Brussels Sprouts well watered