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[scientific name]

Sustainable Ewe favourites:

Quick Reference

Optimum Soil Temperature
Days to Germination
Days to Harvest
Direct Sow or Transplant
Distance Apart
Soil pH
Annual/Biennial /Perennial 



Storing harvested [name]:Seed Saving:



Fun Facts


Botrytis, grey mould – flowers and fruit rot.  Usually strikes in humid conditions

Downy mildew – leaves become blotched and yellow, sometimes mould will appear on undersides. Can be worse in cool, moist conditions.

Wilting of leaves – large leaves loose moisture in warm weather. Mulch and water frequently.

Excessive leaf growth – excess Nitrogen

Fruit yellow and bitter – over-maturity

Leaf spot – water soaked spots on leaves, leaves crack. Immature fruit may fall. Crop rotation. Destroy diseased leaves and parts of plant.

Anthracnose – Brow-black spots on leaves. Crop rotation (four years)

Shortage of fruit – Poor pollination. Lack of bees or weather too cold. Hand pollination may be possible

Predominance of male flowers. – stress conditions, poor nutrition, low light, low temperature, low water. Ensure plants have food and water.

Damaged skin with pale discoloured patches – Fruit exposed to wet, damp soil. Place a tile or hay under the fruit.

Lack of flavour – not ripe enough.  Watermelon is ripe when skin becomes bumpy on the side of the fruit that is in contact with the soil.


Whitefly – undersides of leaves covered with white insects that fly when disturbed. Control may be difficult once a population has build up so best dealt with early on.

Mites – leaves yellow (stippled or mottled), dehydration, fine webbing on underside of leaves. More severe in warm weather.

Companion Planting

From southern Africa

Citrullus lanatus

Like free drainign soil.  Hungry – especially for nitrogen and potassium.

Mulch to retain heat, keep down weeds, hold moisture.

Like hot weather towards the end of their growing season.  May need 2 to 4 months of growing season

Flick on rind – watermelons should go “punk’ when ripe – a muffled sound.  A metallic note is a sign it is not ready yet.  The closest tendrils to the fruit should be brown or dead.  The patch where the watermelon touches the ground should be yellow


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