
Native to the highlands of Tibet and Western China

Will grow true to type from seed and will fruit within 3-4 years.  Propogate in free draining potting mix.  Keep moist and warm.  Pot on and plant out when half a metre high

Plant in free draining well fed soil.  Stake

Like a winter chill and a hot summer

Fungal diseases main problem – spray with copper oxychloride at leaf fall, mid winter, and bud break.

Seaweed used as a mulch can also dissuade curly leaf and brown rot.  Remove any diseased fruit from ground and mumified fruit on tree

Shape young tree by pruning.

Can be espaliered

Peaches fruit on year old wood.  Prune out laterals that have already fruited, thin new laterals to avoid overcrowding

Feed animal manure a little and often

Need good drainage

bears fruit on last years strongly growing wood

prune to open up and allow light in

short lived around 8-10 years healthy trees can live 12-18 years

some varieties as little as 4 years

cold hard to -30

blossoms die at -2

hardier than nectarines






























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