Healthy low-fat, low cholesterol
Replace any recipe that requires chicken with rabbit.
Minimal space or equipment. Not a huge cash outlay to set up
Any chicken recipe
Do not cook quickly as it toughens the meat. THe older it is the longer/slower you cook it. Cook from room temp and wrap in foil or baste to aoid it drying out
Garlic, sage, rosemary, basil, lemongrass, coriander, bay, parsley, thyme.
New Zealand White |
White Californian |
Standard Chinchilla or Silver Fox |
Flemish Giant |
Satin |
Standard Rex |
What to ask when choosing a rabbit
What have they been fed? Quality pellets with 16-18% protein so they will grow to their full potential and produce the best young.
How have they been housed? Off the ground has less chance of parasites and diseases
Litter size – 4 kits or less and the trait could be passed on via the buck or the doe.
Pure or Crossbreed? Crossbreeds have no guarantee of what you will get.
Any deaths in the last 3 months.?
Photos of Rabbitry – May not be able to access due to RCD but photos to see if the hutches are clean.
Health Checklist
- Ears clean – no build up
- Feet clean – no sores or wounds
- Coat – no dandruff or mites
- Back – decent cover of meat
- Eye – clear
- Nose – clean and dry
- Inside front legs by feet – no wet or Crusty Build up
- Ass – clean – no sign of diarrhea
- Teeth – Meet up
- Pedigree/lineage
Once home
Quarantine new rabbits fro a month
Feed high quality rabbit pallets at least 16% protein
Treat for worms and parasites (then every 3 months)
RCD vaccinations in breeding pairs
Never use fresh hay – 3 month old hay as RCD can live on hay. RCD will kill within 24 hours
Water bottles – refill regularly and check that ball bearing is not stuck
If cages are in a shed – consider running tubing lines from a large bucket. Clean water regularly
Food bowls
D cups are handy as they can be used in transport cages
Feed hoppers if cages are inside.
Place food in nesting box to keep it dry and kits will be able to start eating earlier.
if second hand cages disinfect well before use. Virkon S – is a multipurpose virucidal disinfectant
Bunny Diseases
Encephalitozen cuniculi – protozoal parasite that infects rabbits. Can be passed to humand. Symptoms – eye disease – cataracts or lens rupture. Head tilt and neurological symptoms such as weak legs. Urinary incontinence. Kidney disease
NZ white, california, English for meat
Fresh water at all times
Start with 2 females and 1 male