What to feed
1 cup leafy greens per pound of body weight
High fibre rabbit pellets 25g-500 g per day (approx 1 egg cup)
Unlimited hay
Unlimited water
Fruit as and occasional treat
Hay should be 80% of rabbits diet. Feed rougly a bundle the same size or slightly larger than rabbit.
Chewing hay will help shorton teeth and clean the gastroentestinal tract
1 cup leafy greens – Curly Kale, Spring greens, Rocket, Romaine Lettuce, Dark green cabbage, Beet greens, radish greens
1 Tablesppon – Brocolli, Celery, Jerusalem Artichokes, Celeriac, Bell Pepper
Small amounts – Basil, Dill, Mint
Treats (Do not feed every day as the can damage teeth) Carrots Brussel Sprouts apples, sweet potato
Chewing for Tooth Care: Willow Branches, Apple Branches, Citrus Branches.
Rabbits can’t vomit
Avocado – contains PErsin, will cause breathing problems and death
Fruit seeds and pips (including apple pips) contain cyanide
Rhubarb – High Concentration of oxalates. Symptoms of rhubarb poisoning – Diarrhea, bloating, drinking lots of water, lethargy, swollen or sore mouth.
Chocolate – contains methylxanthines: caffine and theobromine. Symptoms of chocolat poisoning – DIarrhea, restlessness, temperature, trembling and panting.
Alliums – onions garlic, shallots, chives – cause hemolytic anemia
Iceburg Lettuce – contains lactucarium – large amounts can cause diarrhea and weakness. Dark Lettuce ie Romaine are fine.
Potato and Potato Leaves – Not poisonous but high in starch and difficult to digest
Sugary foods – high carb foods – cand trigger Enterotoxemia – severe diarrhea that can be fatal
Parnips – high in starch, hard to digest
Cauliflower – can cause bloating
Raisins – High in sugar
Cat or Dog Food – high in calories, contain animal protein – rabbits lack the necessary enzymes to digest meat. high levels of calcium can lead to kidney stones and urinary tract infections
Other foods to avoid – Daffodil, Lily, Mushrooms, Broadbeans, Oak, Sweetpea, Buttercup, Kidney Beans, Jasmine, Nightshade, Snowdrop, Privet, Hemlock, Foxglove.