Links and Resources

Seed Libraries, Exchanges and clubs with Seeds/Propagation material

A CHB Website and Facebook group dedicated to helping CHB residents live more sustainably..
Southern Seed Exchange  |  Christchurch, NZ
A seed exchange/library that posts seeds out to paid members, their catalog is out of date but gives an idea of the varieties available.
Southland Seed Savers  |  Riverton, NZ
A seed library hosted by the South Coast Environment Society, established in 1999. They also post seeds out to paid members, their catalog is out of date but gives an idea of the varieties available.
Cactus and Succulent Society of New Zealand  | Nationwide
All things cactus and succulent, regional branches throughout NZ and a small seed bank.​
Richmond Grows  | California, USA
Richmond grow has plenty of great resources and information about setting up and running a seed library.
Pima County Seed Libray  |  Arizona, USA
A seed library that is hosted by the council libraries, with 28 locations and 272 varieties of seed.

New Zealand seed suppliers

Kings Seeds  |  Katikati, NZ
A great seed retailer. They clearly label hybrids and do discounts for multiple  purchases.
Koanga Institute  |  Wairoa, NZ
Koanga gardens have a huge selection of NZ heritage seeds for sale and a wealth of other information and courses.
NZ Seeds  |  Rangiora, NZ
A huge selection of native and non native trees, shrubs and grasses. Mail order only.
Bristol Plants and Seeds |  Whanganui, NZ​A grower of commercial seed, that also sells a huge range of heritage tomato seeds.
Egmont Seeds  |  New Plymouth, NZ
A company with over 1000 types of seeds available through its website. Including good deals on bulk packs.
Niche Seeds  |  Ashurst, NZ
Unfortunatly Niche have downscaled and are now only available in a few stores and online via trademe.
McGregors Seeds  |  Auckland, NZ
Although not an online seed retailer they have information for all their seeds online. Also a wide range of other gardening products including tools, chemicals, watering product and general garden accessories.
Mr Fothergills  |  Auckland, NZ
A wide range. Lots of information about their seed on website, no online store but available from Bunnings.
Yates Seeds  |  Auckland, NZ
Supplying New Zealand with seeds since 1883. No online sales though its website.
Flower Seeds  |  NZ
Shaman Ltd  |  Nelson, NZ – Not currently listing seeds.
Carol’s Heirloom Seeds |  NZ – Website down, available on Trademe
Garden Post |  Tauranga, NZ


Seed Saving Information  |  
This seed library has a fantastic website with lots of great information Seed Savers Exchange  | Iowa, USA
A huge network of seed savers with some good information on their resources page.
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