Dry Seed Processing
Used for; legumes, grains, lettuce, brassicas, onions, beets, carrots, celery etc
Wet Seed Processing
Used for; soft fleshed fruits, melons, peppers, eggplant, tomatillo, pumpkin etc
Fermentation Processing
Similar to wet seed processing, but the seeds and their juices (as in tomato and sometimes melons and cucumbers) are mixed with a little water and allowed to ferment for a few days. The fermentation process breaks down germination inhibitors such as the gel-sack that surrounds tomato seeds. When a layer of mold has formed on top of the water and the seeds sink, the fermentation is complete. Then simply add more water, swish it around, then decant the mold and pulp. This process is repeated several times until all of the pulp, bad seeds (floaters) and mold is removed, then drain the water from the good seeds seeds (sinkers) and set them out on a plate, screen, or paper towel to dry. Once the seeds are thoroughly dry, place them in a moisture-proof container, label and store them for the future.
Used for; tomatoes, cucumbers, pomegranate, some melons and any seeds that have a gel sack surrounding them after washing
CHB Seed Library occasionally runs Seed Saving Workshops.